Reception Round Up

20th September 2019
Autumn Term Week 3
This week Reception class have been working extremely hard on their handwriting skills. 
Throughout the week we have been learning our new letter sounds and spotting them. We have also started to tune into 'Fred talk' and to listen to the sounds and try and identify the word. A popular game in class is 'speed write' where the class try to to write the correct letter sound said and write it as many times as possible. Not as easy as it sounds as we have to think carefully about our presentation.
Along with our letter formation we have been working on our fine motor skills or 'finger exercises' as we like to call it. The exercises will help getting our hands, fingers and body ready for handwriting. The 'quack, quack duck' and the 'helicopter spin' are very popular with Reception. We also work on our gross motor skills or our 'animal moves.'  Nothing can prepare you for a carpet of 24 'flamingoes' or even 24 'galloping horses!'
See you next time for our Round Up.