Parent Evenings are held in the autumn and spring term, in which parents have the opportunity to discuss their child’s progress within mathematics with the class teacher. Areas of achievement and concern can be discussed and parents can be made aware of how they can further support their child outside of school with their development.
During the summer term, parents receive a written report outlining their child’s mathematical achievements including whether they are in line with age related expectations, and a target for the child to focus on within their forthcoming year of study.
In addition, parents are also invited to in-school parents’ events as appropriate to KS1 or 2 where approaches to calculation are shared and modelled with parents within a lesson alongside their child.
During the summer term, parents receive a written report outlining their child’s mathematical achievements including whether they are in line with age related expectations, and a target for the child to focus on within their forthcoming year of study.
In addition, parents are also invited to in-school parents’ events as appropriate to KS1 or 2 where approaches to calculation are shared and modelled with parents within a lesson alongside their child.
Mathematics is one of the seven areas of learning covered in the Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum. Mathematics involves providing children with opportunities to develop and improve their skills in counting, understanding and using numbers; calculating simple addition and subtraction problems; and to describe shapes, spaces, and measures.
We relate the Mathematics aspects of the children’s work to the objectives set out in the Early Learning Goals (ELGs) which underpin the curriculum planning for children aged birth to five. The children have the opportunity to explore Mathematics activities through both adult directed and child-initiated activities using both their indoor and outdoor learning environments.
We believe that high quality experiences of mathematics are the entitlement of every child. All children can be successful with mathematics, provided that they have opportunities to explore mathematical ideas in ways that make personal sense to them and opportunities to develop mathematical concepts and understanding. Children need to know that practitioners are interested in their thinking, respect their ideas, are sensitive to their feelings and value their contributions.
In Nursery and Reception teachers plan and resource challenging mathematical environments indoors and outdoors, where children’s play can be supported and extended. Practitioners can increase and develop children’s mathematical language and communication in their play through sensitive observation and appropriate modelling and intervention. The use of practical resources, every day and real-life situations, offers children contexts that emphasise the role mathematics can play in their own and others’ lives.
Baseline assessment takes place in the first few weeks of a child entering school.
Practitioners complete the EYFSP tracker and the data is also uploaded to Classroom Monitor. This information helps practitioners to plan appropriate teaching and learning experiences for children setting targets that reflect their development needs and is updated termly. Summative assessment takes place at the end of the year through the Early Years Foundation Stage Profile (EYFSP).
We relate the Mathematics aspects of the children’s work to the objectives set out in the Early Learning Goals (ELGs) which underpin the curriculum planning for children aged birth to five. The children have the opportunity to explore Mathematics activities through both adult directed and child-initiated activities using both their indoor and outdoor learning environments.
We believe that high quality experiences of mathematics are the entitlement of every child. All children can be successful with mathematics, provided that they have opportunities to explore mathematical ideas in ways that make personal sense to them and opportunities to develop mathematical concepts and understanding. Children need to know that practitioners are interested in their thinking, respect their ideas, are sensitive to their feelings and value their contributions.
In Nursery and Reception teachers plan and resource challenging mathematical environments indoors and outdoors, where children’s play can be supported and extended. Practitioners can increase and develop children’s mathematical language and communication in their play through sensitive observation and appropriate modelling and intervention. The use of practical resources, every day and real-life situations, offers children contexts that emphasise the role mathematics can play in their own and others’ lives.
Baseline assessment takes place in the first few weeks of a child entering school.
Practitioners complete the EYFSP tracker and the data is also uploaded to Classroom Monitor. This information helps practitioners to plan appropriate teaching and learning experiences for children setting targets that reflect their development needs and is updated termly. Summative assessment takes place at the end of the year through the Early Years Foundation Stage Profile (EYFSP).