Kibblesworth Academy

Pupil Premium 2019/2020

Please find below our plans and ongoing evaluations for our Pupil Premium allocation. The current information runs from Sept 2019. A breakdown of interventions running to AP1 and a projected spend to the end of the academic year is available below, along with our aims and objectives for the year.  Interventions are constantly evaluated and reviewed, and as such allocations may alter across the term. An updated version of the allocation will be drawn up as a result of the final review in July.

Summary of main barriers to educational achievement faced by eligible pupils at the school

Every child is different, and their barriers to learning and achievement are just as diverse, and because of this fact we view each child as an individual and produce an individual plan for each child, indicating how the allocated funds will be used to overcome these barriers. Having said that, there are some common barriers which exist for many of our pupils. These include:
  • Poor oral language skills – (especially disadvantaged boys)
  • Low attendance / family support.
  • Lack of engagement with learning.
  • Low aspirations, and a lack in belief of what can be achieved.
  • Low self confidence and self esteem.
  • Difficulty in forming relationships with peers.
  • Our individual plans aim to tackle these and other barriers to learning across all key stages.