Kibblesworth Academy

Admissions Information

Joining our Nursery
We always love to welcome prospective parents and carers to our school, and we would love to have the opportunity to show you around so you can see for yourself what a great school we have. If you would like to arrange a visit to school, please do not hesitate to contact Joanne Fairlamb in the school office (0191 4102975 and we will arrange a time that suits you. 
If you would like your child to attend the Academy's nursery, please contact the school office in the first instance. 

Primary School Admissions Policy

As our Nursery and Reception classes work very closely together, the transition for children into Primary School is very smooth. We have capacity for 210 pupils from Reception to Year 6, with 30 children in each year group. 

Information packs containing application forms for Primary places are distributed by the Local Authority in the Autumn term. Parents are required to return a completed form directly to School Organisation & Admissions at Gateshead Council, not to the school. Applications can also be made on-line at - 

The Local Authority (Gateshead Council) is the admissions authority and they will issue receipts for completed forms and advise parents if their application has been successful.  The school have no access to this information.

Children who have not attended our Nursery are invited to make as many visits as is felt necessary, accompanied by parents.

Parents of new starters are invited to an Open Evening where they will meet the staff, explore the classroom and outdoor environment, receive more information about the School, including details of our staggered entry system. This is also an excellent opportunity to complete relevant school contact forms etc.

Depending on the availability of places, mid-year transitions can be arranged for children moving into the area or changing school etc. The first point of contact is with the school office to discuss whether or not the school can accommodate the transfer prior to contacting the Local Authority.

Free school meals are immediately available for all Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 children.

We also adhere to the Local Authority ‘Fair Access Process’ which supports and manages the transfer of some pupils between schools. If your family qualify for this process this will be discussed during the application process.
We manage our own admissions to our Nursery, and our policy is included below alongside an application form.  More information on how to apply and who may be eligible can be found here:
Appeals timetable
Please find below our appeals timetable should it be required in relation to admission to our Nursery. For Reception to Year 6 an appeals timetable is available on the website. 
Type of appeal Deadline for hearing appeal
Applications made in the normal admissions round Within 40 school days of the deadline for lodging appeals
Late applications Within 40 school days of the deadline for lodging appeals, or within 30 school days of the appeal being lodged
Applications for in-year admissions Within 30 school days of the appeal being lodged

Any appeals submitted after the appropriate deadline must still be heard, in accordance with whatever timescale is set out in the timetable published by the admission authority.

This information is set out in paragraphs 2.1-2.4 of the school admission appeals code, linked to above.


Oversubcription criteria

In the event that a year group is oversubscribed, the criteria relating to admission can be found within our Admissions policy on this site. 

Last updated February 2024