Kibblesworth Academy

Pupil Premium 2023 2024

At Kibblesworth Academy, we have the highest expectations for all of our pupils, ensuring that each child reaches their full potential, both academically and socially. In order to do this, we engage in a range of strategies to create challenge at a number of levels, and provide support to overcome barriers to learning. We provide a rich and varied curriculum, which makes a great contribution to pupils’ outcomes, and with individualised learning so that children are engaged and achieve highly.

 Pupil Premium Funding is a government initiative that targets extra funding at pupils from potentially deprived backgrounds. Research shows that pupils from these backgrounds often underachieve compared to their peers. The premium is provided to enable these pupils to be supported to reach their potential. The Government has used pupils entitled to free school meals (FSM), looked after children and service children as indicators of potential deprivation, and have provided a fixed amount of money for schools per pupil based on the number of pupils registered for FSM over a rolling six year period. At Kibblesworth we will be using the indicator of those eligible for FSM as well as identified vulnerable groups as our target children to close the gap regarding attainment.


By following the key principles below, we believe we can maximise the impact of our Pupil Premium spending.


Identification of pupils

 We will ensure that

  • All teaching and support staff are involved in the identification of pupil premium and vulnerable children
  • All teaching staff and governors are involved in the analysis of data


Analysing Data:

 We will ensure that:

  • All staff are involved in the analysis of school data so that they are fully aware of strengths and weaknesses across the school
  • We use research (Sutton Trust Toolkit and the Education Endowment Fund) to support us in determining the strategies that will be most effective in closing the gap and raising the attainment and progress of all our children.


Ongoing improvements of teaching and learning

 We will ensure that:

  • All children receive daily access to good teaching and increase the percentage of outstanding lessons across the school
  • We set high expectations for all our children
  • We continue to improve assessment through moderation within school, across schools, and through ongoing INSET, at school and borough level
  • Teachers use analysis of class data to plan specifically for the strengths and weaknesses of their children to ensure optimum progress and attainment
  • We continue to share good practice through modelled lessons, INSET, external training partners and provide high quality CPD for all teaching and support staff.


Provision and Individualised Support

We will ensure that provision is delivered that:

  • Facilitates each pupil’s access to education and the curriculum
  • Looks at the individual needs of each child and identifies their barriers to learning
  • Tailors interventions to the specific learning needs of that child
  • Provides small group work and 1:1 teaching, where required, focused on overcoming barriers and gaps in pupil’s learning, and were appropriate, extending the most able.
  • Matches the skills of support staff to the interventions they provide
  • Ensures that teaching and support staff have regular opportunities to communicate about the children and their progress
  • Includes half termly pupil reviews for all disadvantaged pupils
  • Involves and supports parents are carers as partners in their child’s education
  • Ensures that external support is utilised where it is seen to be beneficial
  • Continues to improve attendance and punctuality to maximise learning time

Summary of main barriers to educational achievement faced by eligible pupils at the school

Every child is different, and their barriers to learning and achievement are just as diverse, and because of this fact we view each child as an individual and produce an individual plan for each child, indicating how the allocated funds will be used to overcome these barriers. Having said that, there are some common barriers which exist for many of our pupils. These include:

  • Poor oral language skills – (especially disadvantaged boys)
  • Low attendance / family support.
  • Weaker level of engagement with learning than peers
  • Lower levels of independence and self regulation
  • Low aspirations, and a lack in belief of what can be achieved.
  • Low self confidence and self esteem.
  • Difficulty in forming positive relationships with peers.

Many of these barriers to learning have been exacerbated by the Covid-19 pandemic, and as such additional resourcing will allocated to mental health and pupil wellbeing. 


Our strategy:

Please find below our plans and ongoing evaluations for our Pupil Premium allocation. The current information runs from Sept 2023. A breakdown of interventions running to our first assessment point (AP)  and a projected spend to the end of the academic year is available below, along with our aims and objectives for the year.  Interventions are constantly evaluated and reviewed, and as such allocations may alter across the term.

A full strategy review will take place at the end of the 2023 2024 academic year.