Kibblesworth Academy

Our Approaches

At Kibblesworth Academy, we have high expectations and believe all children can achieve. This has led to us teaching maths through the Mastery approach.

The mastery approach is defined by five key principles, which are illustrated in the diagram below:
  • Quick recall of facts and procedures
  • The flexibility and fluidity to move between different contexts and representations of mathematics
  • The ability to recognise relationships and make connections in mathematics

Maths concepts are introduced through many different structures and representations to allow depth of understanding for the children. Lessons involve using a mixture of concrete, pictorial and abstract approaches in order to make connections and expose the underlying structure of mathematics.

Procedural variation – This is a deliberate change in the type of examples used and questions set, to draw attention to certain features.

Conceptual variation – This is when a concept is presented in different ways, to show what a concept is, in all of its different forms.

  • Looking for patterns and relationships
  • Logical Reasoning
  • Making Connections
Teachers should develop detailed knowledge of the curriculum in order to break the mathematics down into small steps to develop mastery and address all aspects in a logical progression. This will ensure deep and sustainable learning for all pupils.

Our maths units are embedded with the three main aims of the curriculum: fluency, reasoning and problem solving. Once children have gained fluency in a subject area, they are given further time to reason with their understanding and develop this with problem solving situations.
The using and applying aspect of mathematics allows children the opportunity to utilise their skills within other subjects, and is of huge importance. However, teachers must ensure that if an aspect of maths is being taught through other subject areas, the teaching of the skills of maths are not lost. There must be time for children to gain understanding of a skill before applying it across the curriculum. Teachers need to particularly focus on making links between mathematics and science. In addition to this, speaking and listening opportunities and ICT links need to be made within the daily teaching and learning of mathematics. There are opportunities for the children to develop and apply their mathematical skills and knowledge in every curriculum area.

Where possible, teachers will look for and exploit opportunities for children to complete ‘real life’ mathematics, utilising the school grounds, local area and businesses to help bring Maths to life.
The school is well-resourced for Maths to ensure high quality teaching. The main resources are shared into phase resource boxes and transferred between two classes who deliver Maths lessons at alternating times. The resources are used on a regular basis, such as Numicon packs, counters, tens frames, dienes, multilink cubes etc. Other area specific resources are located in our Maths cupboard outside the Year 4 classroom, this includes resources for shape, time, fractions, measure etc.

Every class must have a maths display which is used as a working wall. This must be updated regularly and demonstrate the current learning of the children.