Kibblesworth Academy

More Able Provision

At Kibblesworth Academy we are committed to providing an education which encourages all children to maximise their potential, this includes children who display some form of giftedness, talent or exceptional ability. 
How we identify Gifted, Talented and More Able children
Before we identify any child as gifted, talented or more able we ensure that all children have had the opportunity to learn and succeed. This makes the identification process fair. 
The identification process is ongoing and begins when a child joins our school, it involves all staff, children, parents and carers. Our more able and talented coordinator identifies the more able pupils using a range of sources:
Pupil work over time
Discussions with parents and carers
Discussions with children
Teacher identification following observations
End of year assessment (AP3) data
If the more able and talented coordinator requires further evidence the child will be placed on a watch list for monitoring and further opportunites will be planned for those pupils. 
A gifted child has an innate ability which may be enhanced by external factors but will flourish regardless of external influences.
A talented child has the ability and flair to succeed in a discipline at a significantly higher level than their peers. Their skills have been learned and improved and there is the potential for further development given access to expertise e.g. specialist coaching. 
A more able child, as defined by our school, is one who is exceeding age related expectations for one or more area of the curriculum, or has been identified as having the potential to exceed age related expectations by the end of the current Key Stage. 
What can parents do to help?
Once your child is identified as more able, gifted and talented they will be placed on our school More Able register. At parent consultations your child’s teacher will provide a more able provision map with suggested targets which will correspond with higher level skills in areas relating to your child’s strengths.  The class teacher will discuss with you their ideas for provision to support your child in achieving their targets. It is important that you, your child and their class teacher are in agreement, as these targets will be used to help monitor your child’s progress throughout the year.
Our provision for Gifted, Talented and More Able children

Our children are challenged in a variety of ways including through appropriately challenging activities, open-ended tasks, leadership roles, becoming a ‘mentor’ to explain more difficult concepts to other pupils, extracurricular and curriculum enrichment opportunities.


In day to day learning, pupils can be given differentiated work tasks i.e. tasks that provide a greater challenge, opportunities for mastery or scope for extended investigation. Where our More Able or Talented pupils are given the same tasks as their peers, teachers would expect to see a higher level outcome and would encourage pupils to aim high.


We offer a wide range of sporting opportunities, through after school clubs and inter-school tournaments. Each week, our ‘Roll of Honour’ assembly is an opportunity to highlight and celebrate the achievements of pupils who challenge themselves to excel in a particular area. You will also see a range of work by our More Able and Talented pupils in displays around our school and on our ‘Achieved’ board in the school hall.


We are keen for our pupils to have an active voice in school and a number of our More Able and Talented pupils are part of our School Council and Eco-Council.


If you wish to find out more about our Gifted, Talented and More Able provision in school, please contact Mrs Renton, Deputy Headteacher and Gifted, Talented and More Able coordinator. 


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