Computing at Kibblesworth Academy

Our vision for Computing

The purpose of IT and Computing is for all pupils to be confident digital citizens who have the knowledge, skills, and understanding to use technology safely, creatively and effectively. At Kibblesworth Academy, we see the use of information and communication technology is an integral part of the national curriculum and is a key skill for everyday life. Computers, tablets, programmable robots, digital and video cameras are but a few of the tools that can be used to acquire, organise, store, manipulate, interpret, communicate and present information. We recognise that pupils are entitled to quality hardware and software and a structured and progressive approach to the learning of the skills needed to enable them to use it effectively.


How do we plan for Computing?


Planning for Computing will follow the National Curriculum which is divided into separate objectives for KS1 and KS2. EYFS follow the EYFS framework and the interests of the children, although provocations are put in place to engage with in activities linked to further Online-Safety and focused Digital Literacy opportunities appropriate with the age and stage of the children.

For KS1 and KS2, the taught skills for IT and Computing are embedded within our curriculum model. This approach ensures full coverage of all skills across each key stage, revisiting/reteaching skills to ensure progress is embedded and built upon. However, when needed, staff will be directed with additional planning to ensure gaps throughout the curriculum (e.g. use of IT – including Office, as well as additional, bespoke Online Safety focuses, outside of our Cornerstones/Jigsaw PSHE provision) are covered.

We plan to deliver skills in IT and Computing so that they build upon prior learning and fit in with our ambitious, spiral curriculum. An overview of where the skills are taught, and the contexts in which they are delivered, are available via the subject coordinator.

We also plan to ensure that our pupils are exposed to a range of apps and software resources. These apps and resources are chosen in hopes of extending the children’s understanding and their use will be directed by the class teacher.

Additionally, each class will aim to complete a termly, cross-curricular task (when possible) in which Computing and IT is used to display/progress skills in other lessons e.g. English (Persuasive Writing/Advertisement Creation) and or Maths (Step-by-step instruction of method use).

Within the scheme of work, learning activities are sequenced to ensure continuity and progression. They are taught through a combination of direct teaching, providing children with first-hand experience, use of teacher prepared materials, educational visits and resources such as online software and programming hardware.


How do we evaluate learning in Computing?


With the traditional, ongoing teacher assessment, children are encouraged to openly evaluate their own and other children’s work. As a result of easy to use, online-materials and software, children across all ages of the school are regularly given the opportunity for their work to displayed physically through the school or online through our website. We assess the skills related to their work through our Foundation subject tracking system embedded within our supporting Curriculum Maestro provision, where we record their competence relating to the focus skill within each lesson or series of lessons. Feedback is also given against agreed success criteria during lessons, allowing the children to make instant improvements to their work should it be necessary. Teaching staff are also encouraged to complete a concluding feedback form, in which they will identify the successes of a topics’ Computing lessons and potential next steps to take in the children’s learning, in addition to identifying good examples of work, those with gaps in learning and presentation issues.